Friday, November 27, 2009

giving thanks....

I don't think this Thanksgiving could have been any different from last year. The weather was 50 degrees warmer, I was spending time with my family instead of skyping with them, the Thai airport wasn't under lock down due to riots... but boy was it just as delicious.
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this year, I'm thankful for:
warm blankets. the ocean. netflix. my patients and their daily hope and strength. the support and drive my family show daily. my second family of 32.
my iphone. alamo draft house. vanilla soy lattes. dr. pepper. live music. queso. cookies. my leather journal from florence.
getting to spend the holidays with my family. slippers. my sparkely toms shoes. hanging international art on my walls.
my new website. feta cheese. discovering new music. christmas lights. tulips. fall leaves. chicago. delicious adventures. cooking for good friends and family....
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